capacity, capability, character
The Dutra Group Celebrates Howard “H” Cooper As He Retires
The Dutra Group Celebrates Howard “H” Cooper as he retires from his position as Safety Manager. “H” dedicated his career to safety in the construction industry, with more than 36 years of experience and a Certified Safety Management Specialist designation.

capacity, capability, character
The Dutra Group Participates in Construction Safety Week
The Dutra Group is deeply committed to promoting safety and ensuring the well-being of its employees. This year, we are actively involved in Construction Safety Week, a nationwide initiative aimed at raising awareness and promoting safety in the construction industry.

Establishing a supportive culture is essential to creating a safe work environment. Feeling safe and having the power to speak up when we see something unsafe are important to our day-to-day well-being at work. Managers and workers must commit that they will use their Strong Voices to back each other up and make Safe Choices.

Most of the time, risks and mistakes don't cause us injury or harm, but on the job they can be significant. We can take away three key steps to minimize exposure and harm: Identifying hazards, being able to assess them, and identifying critical steps in our activities to make them safe.

Just as important as keeping our brains safe physically is ensuring we take care of our mental health. One in five construction workers has faced challenges like anxiety, depression, or substance abuse. Fighting the stigma surrounding mental health issues helps all of us stay stronger and safer together.

Our industry is filled with people of different backgrounds and experiences. Our differences provide an opportunity to share lessons learned on making tasks safer and more efficient, improving our overall safety.

If you see something, say something. Thank you for helping us to build our safety culture. We only succeed because of you!